
Monday, January 05, 2015


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Human Global Resources/Essay at Large


Humans are not assets to or of others. Some say. Even if you are told to craft or think in this way. Our world and its resources depend on humanity alone, for now, like the flowers to the sun, the water -its ocean.
To employ someone, as a friend, in any kind of human relationship, specially at this global moment, and make them useful, or vice-versa, is to become a better part of what he is, she is, bringing the conditions and opportunities that open a breach of communication, and the like, for that individual´s bio-psico-social entourage, ambience and improvement - not for the misuse of his/her gaze, spirit, resources, that translates from mind into hopeless and unpromising labor, only when curriculums and human qualities are not valued as such, in each, case. Done at times by those inter and nautic operators to create groups, only groups, that exclude constantly, even when they promote viable methods of inclusion, in each and every ideological project. The apparition of the word "group" proposes and alert, as to the possiblity of exclusion, not organization of human resources in every case, in every standard and method that follows and observes even global human criteria. We are not to create working armies for others as agents of agents or agents of others, but for ourselves and our posterity, with the elements of international relations, whether global or traditional, without much tech, and with tech the grand conversations are at hand.

Working conditions, are lost in luxurious offices with humming ac´s twirling perfumes and dust - or are we to work in sweatshops of mass production for a global cliché only, instead of a global outcome in progress, this sole outcome that struggles from one class to another; in the infinite dance of love, at times imitating hate, and vice-versa.

Development, specially for those ill and decompensate countries, has no proprietor, or is it exclusive within the spiral of anyone´s rights. Rights are not attributable. We are not invisible to be publicized as invisible by those communicators and creators that dwell upon and solely on the stagnant aspect of false humility and psychological inhibitions, that does not mean in my opinion, the promotion on the part of this piece of writing of rampant chaos in order or out of order. Inhibition is an obstacle to freedom and its projects and induces blindness in given populations, construed by chosen communicators that do not communicate civilization, and that work for other or support private, in the sense of exclusive elites, for free merit and righteousness.

To claim the loss of values: had already been predicted obviously. Spiritual and personal positive conduct and behaviour arrives within the measure of each conscience and the responsibility of its personal biography in relation to others - as peace, we desire, not to be sold to others, in the advent of slavery disguised, advertised as public opinion, the waters of an overflowed lie that always, and immediately, fails to mask veracity. Truth and the debate around it resolves itself imminently, constantly, like a well taken photograph. Just a click and a flash...

Info and communication and its digital transportation, are to promote "civilized" endeavours. Stealth and writings of adulation in any format only promote an individualism that just sits there, lacks action, lacks change, a link for improvement. Theft in all senses, harms humanity much longer, as it will persevere. We are to see to it.

Lost dynamics and methods in this global affront or benefit or hedonism for many, constructs obstacles, that will be surpassed with the use of its own presence, virtual or such, in an aftermath of order and chaos and such chaos, as it has at times been surpassed and controlled apparently, simulating turns, a simulation, open for those to spot and others to ignore in their survival. The survival of the common citizen, as a person that does not ignore what is happening around, and every citizen is a hero of his or her own existence, and knows everything. (copyrighted concept by Carlos E. Mijares Poyer, 2001.)
No one can or may, or will actually protect you. Individualism comes sliding new into its own global making, in the automanagement of a future by yourself and others. And that can be an attributable right, that some may find attributable.

History has been predicted and preconceived at every daily and busy moment by some, in a snobbish act, trying to exacerbate false debates and controversies masked as art sometimes of the flashing newsreel, or unvirtued and disqualified for its appearance in alternative forums, chats (that are not to be undervalued) we all know and agree. Communication is our last battlefront, averting breaches of communication and social gaps. Creating the possible forums and chronicles of the future.

Human resources are now of greater value to -value - as a surplus of somekind for many - from the selling of love, lost and far from civilized feelings - unalterable by comic and hollow messages that bombarded into ears, eyes, buds and climax - is only an extension of an origin: man and woman in the global ballet. Freedom is the last stance and the alienating debates about freedom of speech, versus education, versus private property, versus collectivism, versus ideological disputes, not presented or managed as bioethical scenarios to find solutions and resolutions, only causing, some say, more distress and confusion. The endless exacerbation of hope killing hope, and endless, irrresolute debates, most of the time improperly managed or manipulated.

Revsionism/Reform in art, philosophy, lit., fashion, media, film, entertainment, etc., all areas; may prove to be a fine tool, indeed. New ideas are hand sav(w)ed-packed and at some point ready to go, just like fast food (when it is and can be good) even food for thought, and its legal supporters, viable why not, of the global franchise concept, issued as products from each "country" (erasing at times its own limits) and at other times settling new basis on same foreign ground - that has been examined sometimes as the art of reengineering, a noble tool at this moment when handled precisely, and intelligently. The imminent necessity of legal- global-and consequent management.

"Things" as this world sees it -recycle, dust to dust, ashes to ashes, handshake to looking into the eyes of others, ashes all fall down -eternally perhaps? Some in the past spoke of cycles of history, refuted at times by endless debates in velvet academic salons. The lack of perpetual movement for now obliges the need for fuel and energy - human or material (conjunctively). Fuel and ATP, human energy, as oil, or plutonium or corn, etc., which requires prescribed common and heroic conduct - the heroic behaviour and conduct of all types of heroes in local communities and cities that exalt others as themselves, and themselves as others.

Leadership can be strange if addressed with discrimination and exclusion, of rising messages and face with a good voice to help - help (is still an important song).

Leadership is quite needed, as noble in its historical venue, or natural, as the arrival of a friend or lover, a person willing in the need to enhance good judgement, values and assertiveness, something that writing as an activity promotes constantly and verifiably. Write - that something will endure. If you write you will not have plowed on the ocean floor. A harvest is at hand, and highly awaited.

Resources are becoming scarce - wars, the anachronic relation between progress and advancement - in thought or technology, etc. , creates inner obstacles needed; to induce the creativity to provide solutions, long gone, the formation of less stereotypes, racial, of class, and idea, amplitude and thus development of our communities. You can call them global villages, you accuse the start as feudalism renewed, you can ramble on forever, and we will, formations as kibbutz, or barrios, or marginalia, virtual groups, feudalized communities, africanized cities in latinamerica, or suburban scenarios or urban poetry, or elite urban, suburban and rural areas. A heart thrives in each room under each roof, ceiling or shelter. There is a man and a woman under each roof.

News as we know it will instill. News as necessity - for our knowledge, culture, entertainment, etc. is quite needed in a way that will work, saying more yes than no, and requires professionalism and intellect, smarts and communicates all types of info, necessities up and down the stage of human inquisitiveness. To avoid concrete thinking and to try even a little to promote that people may have the option to access abstract thinking in all formal and colloquial events and situations. Is globalization fiction in reality - or reality dressed with the windows of time? The infinite line that expands and shrinks towards the past and to the future - presents itself every second as we walk through the streets and roads, the infinite human countryside - in danger or peace. We must know to grasp and achieve the moment as human interest, in which our pride and also our humility can handle (our personality) and the outcomes it provides. All of them.

No one is invisible or better. You must believe and have faith. Circumstances and laws surround us - we are there to and Love as an eventual aftermath. We are with ourselves and our civilized relationships with this planet - and the viewpoints around its historical movement.

We are all visible, not invisible, by those who try to promote the anonymity of common citizens, sometimes called by some journalists, as, street people, a denigrating label in many ways, exacerbating their privilege as media microphones to speak and comment above others, which is unavoidable, a journalist or person with access to media has a privilege and grand responsibility to respect and work like never before for the advent and installment of altruism, to say the least.

There are millions of these responsible media professionals who do not allow every kind of interest to alienate their journalist and idea endeavours, their criteria and bioethics, to call it some way. We need more responsibility, less labels, less stereotypes when these exclude in subtle ways, for some type of "classification" is a road to organization and a pertinent sociological academic necessity, that arrives from this same chance.

Freedom and all the hoopla, oompha and smite-spite over it-and its possible disappearance, for centuries feared. We don´t need at this universal moment, idealistic or materialistic philosophical debates and labels-we need solutions and action in the art of leading the world into promising horizons and shores and situations, according to morality and some form of what some call truth.

Human resources dismembered in global wars, sold conscienceness, offered like cheap merchandise, silk costumed as synthetic reengineering of poly and esters, unseen over your delicate skin as the tunics of your life, dressed according to others, an extreme and constant simulation. So where is the freedom with long lasting historical presence of offer and demand of undermined human creative products-physical and utilitarian, are nothing more than simple alienation, something that does not construct, a cloud bigger than us, that commands daily existence (here the local heroes)-reduced to the aroma of paper money. We are not against commerce and free markets or freedom in general, when it promotes grand quality, of human essence, good living, common good, like it happened with the invention of flying and space travel, etc.- of which we need to insue to discover new frontiers in reality, our reality, not on re-runs on t.v. or sophisticated studios of all sorts, simulations of discovery, and supposed progress. The mars frontier and other intergalactical issues had to be taken already, and has as, it has been, a new element beyond media in every home, the resolution of science and useful medical advances, through the advancement of public health policies, that do not fall in the smoke screens of debates about socialist or capitalist medicine. Health is only one thing, and one necessity, for a greater good, for yourself, specially in the neurosciences, the mystery of the mind.

The art of living that is all that it was. Until converted into the cold war-now much colder than before, with the consequence, not the end of history imposed. History ended in many ways and came about into new timelines at this moment of great importance and significance. War is now on-line and off-line, as I published in my essay Simón Bolívar y Thomas Jefferson: Heroes and Politico-Historical-cinematographical Protagonists, in the venezuelan high circulation press, the 23rd of January (the 42nd anniversaryof the fall of the military government of Marcos Pérez Jimenez in Venezuela) of the year 2000. Right at the helm of the millenium. The helm has been there to be managed. Plato the greek philosopher, would be quite interested and excited, if he could observe through a peep-hole, even if it were for half and hour. To peep throughout history, one of our wildest dreams.


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copyright 2008, by Carlos Mijares Poyer.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Publicación Cultural bilingüe

EL PIMENTÓN: El nacimiento de un alimento editorial/The Birth of an Editorial Staple-
Con la revista cultural venezolana-americana y global, El Pimentón (colorado). Nace dentro del advenimiento del brillo y embrujo de la globalización, un espacio para expresarse en diversas áreas.
Idea editorial y conceptual del escritor y periodista venezolano-americano: Carlos E. Mijares Poyer, que desde Venezuela, y sus estudios globales, lanza una opción de lectura para el entretenimiento y la cultura.
La revista invita a comunicadores en todos los géneros, generando expresión humana legal, y el propósito de publicar temas e ideas en todas las áreas de la expresión humana, inclusive, más allá, de las herramientas digitales, acá iniciadas. Les invitamos a visitarnos regularmente y nuestros blogs relacionados.
cita del día: "La única manera que el mal triunfe, es que los hombres y mujeres buenas, hagan nada." Edmund Burke (autor del Los Derechos del Hombre.)
medios sugeridos:
With the cultural venezuelan-american and global magazine, El Pimentón (The Colored Pepper). Is born, within the advent of the gleam and wonderment of globalization, a space to express oneself in diverse areas.
An editorial and conceptual idea by venezuelan-american, writer and journalist: Carlos E. Mijares Poyer, that from Venezuela, and his legalized global studies, sends out an option in reading for entertainment and culture.
The magazine invites communication audiences and professionals in all genre, generating legal human expression, and the purpose to publish themes and ideas in all areas, even beyond the digital tools, here initiated. We welcome you to visit us regularly, and our related blogs.
quote of the day: "The only way for evil to triumph, is that good men and women do nothing." (Edmund Burke (author of The Rights of Man).
suggested publications:
In the advent of civilization, a great crowd gathered. The musicians honed in on a regalia of roses and stick men sauntered in paths, unseen before. The gleam and wonderment of globalization.
After many years, when robots had not taken over, children ruled as adults, and adults as children - in maelstrom of middle-class extasis, that pronounced virginity as virtue and beauty as outcome. The common good.
Homer, could never have imagined the premises or arguments of the event, in the way it composes itself presently, he knew, he knew. Much less, the setting, plot and événements (el desenlace teatral), as the experts say and said was the result of higher investigation, being the speakers of all the houses, very old men.
The sky was still blue. The rivers swam as far as intimate oceans. Mountains cajoled plains and prairies & stopped among the smallest flowers. Even though right now some prefer to place black tulips over the chest of the world, forgetting the true ways of constructing the means of society´s enhancement. The conclusion will be positive and dialectical, from Hegel to the postmodern premises of literary output and ideas.
Since New Year´s Eve of the era, up and coming the third and next milleniums, three hundred past years of reminiscence and remembrance, the provenance of humanity dwindled away in the touching of glass cups with silver knives; the same embroidered tremors, through the body of souls. Sent tremors.
   The re-engineering of all areas, particularly politics, confronts the world with disimilar dilemmas, mainly causing confusion in third world countries due to the lack of political culture, a standard behavior of logic (not in the formal), concrete thinking on the streets, and underdeveloped educational formats and debates.
   If you were used to your usual red-scene, think twice and multiply it geometrically and sub-conjunctively, yes math is very important now, guileful scenarios or for the betterment of science and technology, which is and obvious outcome.
   It is not the invasion of your homes or the retrieval of your children to Progroms or five year plans as was thought of iron curtains of the world, or Nazi calling reciprocal duels between potential systems. It is candy-cane chewing gum, turned red. Purity is loss in your own good taste.
Some time ago, in history, academics and people in general, spent much human time and energy reading Marxist info, manuals, interpreted books, magazines, etc. searching truth and reasons. Whether manuals or original works or internet links with hammer and sickle logos. The was convinced, and is true, had made up a good ideas of what communism was, or was meant to be, metalanguages and more, debates and more, info manipulation and more, a conclusion was reached and is still in the intimate process of consultation...
Some say that Marx never mentioned the word. He did describe mathematically distinct economic and political scenarios, known in the red world, as political economics. The mentors in Russia, and other parts, the partakers and fans, the sleeping communists, the light communists (term ridiculously labeled in stages like Venezuela presently), are numerous, each with his own proper realm. Thesis theory and practice unresolved, due to hunger in the world and hate, mainly the good manners of intolerance, holding back violence with what´s left of legal coercion and justice as we know it.
    Religion, has placed it spiritual mark at the apogee of human conscience like never before, at the hull, to the max that there is now red religion. How could this be? There are pertinent answers, not my responsibility to show. Who is the grand engineer? I would shake his hand and take off my hat, even though i don´t use a hat, as we know it. Isn´t that the question: to believe or not to believe and the solution of death, the discovery of origins is a question for many still. Shakespeare tumbles in his tomb. And children all over the world learn that the birds and the bees and later to love and to hate each other is something we call society and civilization. It is not a matter of placing guilt, or accusations, or denouncements, or announcement, for virtually guilt does not exist, even though there are cultures which thrive on this concept for better or for worse. Responsibility does, a matter of moral responsibility. specially the responsibility we have unto ourselves, with our own ephemeral lives.
   Capitalism or free market economy planned its way through history majestically, struggling in success and events to endure eternally, some say. Communism was witnessed in the USSR and other parts as an experiment, and in Northamerica and Europe and vice-versa, sometimes called in american academic books as the American Experiment. Look it up and establish the semblances of standardization. In art history texts and others, and this new chewed candy cane that dwell from red to white and amalgamate forms. Because children all, undoubtedly, like candy. The candy man. The chocolate factory. Mixing potions of sweet while there are children in the world, giving two hour and six hour political speeches that promote hate and segregation, in class, race, and ideology, and the outcome of war. We are here to construct life not to destroy it, even if it is tool of manipulation.



Me miras pasar todas las tardes
creyendo no verte
esos ojos recorren la calle
como una luz, en la misma
luz siempre.
A veces vengo tarde, de noche,
cuando se deja ver tu figura
que suavemente
hace rizos del bombillo. Lo entona.
Y allí estás...casi desnuda,
tu mirada de nuevo:
Unos ojos escarlata
que hacen trizas
toda esa oscuridad.
Cuando la mañana
abre lentamente, y levanta sus brazos
en la ventana

y tu no estás...
y tu no estás...



You look every afternoon
thinking I do not see you
those eyes cover the street
like light, in the same light, always.
Sometimes I come late, at night,
when your figure allows itself to be seen
that gently
makes ripples of the lightbulb. Entonates it.
And there you are... almost in the nude
your gaze once again:
A pair of scarlet eyes
that rip
all of that darkness.
When morning,
opens slowly and raises its arms
upon the window...
and you´re not there...
and you´re not there...

copyright 2008, by Carlos Mijares Poyer, english and spanish original and translation.
http://www.nildamijarespoyer.blogspot.com/ (international artist and sculptor, artista plástico y escultora internacional)


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