
Friday, August 27, 2021

SCHSTEAK: The Culture, The Dream of a Hungry Boys and Girls and the Laughter of Cows BY Carlos Mijares Poyer, journalist, periodista trilingue.



SCHSTEAK: The Culture, The Dream of a Hungry Boys and Girls and the Laughter of Cows

      In the beginning, God created the earth and the heavens, then came the Faily-Tale about Adam and Eve.  Then there was steak.

     The fathers of the history of philosophy like Averroes and his premise about the truth of God and the other truth that of public opinion was an Arab citizen, nationals that during the complete history of human kind/ the middle-east has always played a stirring role in history, from the development of math and algebra, optics, and we all know what happened to Hippatia, the registrar of the Library of Alexandria in what is now the country of Turkey or Constantinople in your history books, which was burned along with the most important intellectual and scientific sacred, ancient scrolls and manuscripts of humanity.  The only country on the map can not be the United States of America, and of course, I despise theories of uni-polar or multi-polar geopolitical journalism, jive, blab talk or Pulitzer prize mongering journalists and writers.

     The Muslim religion is the third most abundant and important religion -with its followers in U.S. territory now and then, -after Protestants and Catholics. Here dear reader I am sending you a trite telegram to your Facebook chat box, with friendly intention and belief, keep reading.

      Afghanistan, as well many Muslim countries are composed of different groups and communities with different beliefs, from religious to humanistic and scientific, labeling Muslims in the U.S. as potential terrorist even Muslim or Palestinian students in U.S. colleges being bullied and beaten by white American football players and students is wrong and is going to stop or you will not evolve or last long within any given national or international entity, role or legacy. I don`t care who you are, it is formal logic at hand organized around verifiable mathematics /not public opinion. Don`t be naughty, we respect, admire and recognize the development of all the main super power countries. If you do not understand, read it again while you do your nails.  Thus, the evacuation of Americans and their asssociates from Afghanistan is truly tardy, it had to happen in April or May of 2021, enough intelligence reports mentioned and adviced, which is also the concern of humans in countries like Venezuela in which the leadership of the G8 countries is also vehemently tardy in seeking and active and obligated resolution in Venezuela, Colombia and the region, specially due to the millions of tons of energetic, natural and human resources being exported to North America mainly and Europe, and now resting actors like Iran, Russia and China, in Venezuela and other countries for money.  Another telegram which is to be sent and received immediately like it used to occur before artificial intelligence, emails and the internet. I will concisely read you the telegram.

The Middle East is packed with Oil and other resources profusely, plant hamburgers or cashews will not substitute fossil fuels, mainly because the know how to create fuel from plants or steak came first and primarily from those textbooks, scientific papers, PHDS who acquired humanistic and scientific verifiable mathematical knowledge to make schsteak from countries which were developed, now super powers, first with the oil resources, etc.to then now on cable news networks in English to taunt the invention of fake meat, beef and milk.  Don`t worry this will change with the evolution of vegan and health oriented diets and nourishment, we are all very well aware that something has to be done about food allergies from cow`s milk, peanuts and wheat flour which can be verified now with any Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology and of other nations.  Anaphylaxis, which is an extreme allergic and mortal reaction to sushi, peanuts and allergies can cause your death if not treated quickly by an expert in this health issue. So, what in Christ`s name is he talking about? Yes, Afghanistan is packed with poppy flower plantations, which is a gigantic opium harvest every year, important deposits of oil and other energetic resources and immense potential in the region in this sector, as well as Pakistan, India, etc. And the slitted eyes of the Chinese. The world attention, presence and concern over these countries is Oil and of course the main discourse of the delicate and important human rights of little girls and women to education and good jobs in this region.

     The telegram I sent you behind your pupils is SCHSTEAK.  Scientists in the U.S, and other highly developed countries have long ago discovered before one or two Venezuelan oil experts of the seventies, exposed that oil was ¨the excrement of the devil”  and that it could be grown or planted as a resource or investment to bring out countries like Venezuela, Mexico, etc. Out of underdevelopment to at least a similar infra-structural, agro-industrial, Space, ¨scientific and social development to that of that of the least developed sectors of a country like Germany. Countries like Venezuela, having more money and resources than any European country some which have reached development through their hard work and evolution of touristic, gastronomic, wine industries, cheese of course for all you mice, and marketing know-how of these related products, goods and services by many expatriates of similar countries in Venezuela and their excellent communities in the rest of Latin America from important nation states  like Portugal and Spain or Italy. So true, I can prove to you or you can look it up on the internet, just google it, steak or schsteak can be made from Oil.  Vegan plant hamburger can not be completely, tastefully and satisfactorily produced anywhere or at any time without oil, its processing, molecular unity in its derivatives.  The main concern of Afghanistan is oil and other resources it harbors and the geopolitical ballet and romance around women`s rights or the potential infiltrated ISIS mentality individuals on board the U.S. Air Force B-17 Cargo which are rescuing Americans and Afghan associates in Kabul Airport.

The rescue is tardy, it can cause a global confrontation where leaders like Vladimir Putin of Russia, this week clearly stated his country and armed forces will not agree to an all against all world war, which seems to be being knitted by certain persuasive and resourceful interests in the main rich countries to cause a war that like the pandemic now, every 100 years is needed and occurs and will going to evolve variantly and with computer re/engineering. World Wars to sell laser tanks, laser gatlin machine guns, and armies of humanoid soldier robots with intelligent body armor is a possible futuristic marketing business among some interested parties.  Beware.

The technology to paralyze humans or armies through sonic or sound waves has already been publcized on social media.  Why are the Taliban personnel who supposedly caused suicide bombings at Kabul Airport paralyzed selectively like Charles Darwin discovered, to evacuate the wealth of refugees from all countries like Myanmar, Venezuela, Syria and Afghanistan?  Instead of people drowning or hanging off planes in flight to then fall to their death, or people drowning in the Mediterranean Sea to seek refuge and in European countries. O,r the ridiculous migrant crisis and the unfair and technical loopholes of U.S. immigration laws active at the U.S.-Mexico border, soiled at times by the Rio Grande.  A deep disgrace. Thank you for reading my napkin telegram.  I am not a journalist, I am a pamphleteer like the great Colombian writer Josè Marìa Vargas Vila once expressed, and who by the way whose complete handwritten original works are in the personal archives of Fidel Castro worth millions of dollars.

First was the heavens and earth, the stars and rivers and majestic swollen seas and paradise oceans, then was the Oil, later the know-how, which gave way to the world society which created all things tangible and intangible on this planet, from poetry to nuclear submarines. In that order of course. God Bless you all.


      POR CARLOS MIJARES POYER-author, journalist, translator and marketer

AUGUST 27,2021





www.facebook.com/cmijarespoyer author page, pagina autoral, page d auteur


1 comment:

martha ayala said...

Muy bueno

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