
Saturday, August 21, 2021



Money is the cause that permits and elegantly saturates in front of your nose, the limiting of ideas, concepts and even those same resources, whether natural or man made, to be revealed or released. When someone is not convenient in the capitalist or communist societies they are labelled as paranoid, or harbingers of conspiracies or mentally ill, or of having some kind of psychological complex, inferior or superior, -in capitalism you may entitled as being a communist, and, in the communist world you may be accused of being a counter revolutionary or capitalist reactionary. With these types of narratives the world elite and the world population itself in a grand Robert Malthus effect and decrease of population through virus ,has controlled the world since the founding of the so called free world, even in the fake totalitarian yes ¨free-world¨ as they thrive to label themselves, from Fidel Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Churchill, Reagan, Kennedy and now those in the lottery bin of politics nothing has been achieved to secure the basic human rights of world populations, with the complicit intervention of paid-for mainstream media in countries, yes, like Cuba, the U.S., Europe, Russia and Asia. I use as an example this country where I was born Venezuela, which harbors the biggest reserves of the best quality oil for refinement and its derivatives, coltan or cobalt as cnn calls it is not in the Republic of Congo the largest reserves are in Venezuela south of its Lake of Maracaibo, plutonium and uranium, coltan its ability to create Micro-condensers to miniaturize elements in apple technology from phones, laptops, computers, play-stations, all chips DIGITAL MAGIC in jet fighters sorcering from aircraft carriers and space defense, or nuclear weapons to negotiate geopolitics in the U.S. and Russia and the UK, indeed-15 out 17 of the most important minerals in the world in surplus in Venezuela, emeralds, white diamonds, red blood diamonds, blue diamonds and white diamonds or cocoa seed of purple color for violet chocolate the best chocolate in the world is hundreds of variety, aroma and flavor in Venezuela, limited by Richard Quest of cnn saying the best chocolate or cobalt coltan is in the Congo -complicit with scientists of Harvard University.
Nickel, Aluminum bauxite, copper, steel, iron, iron ore, and a mega diverse with the best tourist natural scenery in the world as was described by American Cuban millionaire Jeff Bezos as he views Venezuela and its geography from outer space.
The Miami Herald published almost ten years ago that the most productive and best trained professionals in the U.S. are from Venezuela present in NASA, medicine, arts, etc. Venezuela as an example of world trade when Ukraine was traded for Venezuela and the latter sold to Cuba as a meek franchise of rum, mojito and dollarization.
This whole miasma also present in other rich countries some developed and others imploded on purpose are limited by the interpersonal dynamics of money and its grid of concrete head-ache and social migraine, its greed of religion and love versus hate among beings for centuries, not able to be revealed, exposed or freed, only to the capitalization of the scrooge elite which gives you some free time during Christmas or spring break.
The enemy is the dualism of thought vs. being in the history of philosophy western or oriental, or in spanish pensar-ser, between capitalism and communism as we have stupidly known it, debugged from textbooks and college lectures, info promoted by cable news channels from cnn to fox, from the BBC to Reuters, social media, etc. in a spectacular romance and ballet of blatant brainwashing from bilingual rap music and lyrics to the bible.
The false advent of Americans going to Cuba as well as Europeans with a mentality of ideal in search of mixed economies, democratic management and fake equality, is impossible with the continued presence of money, most of these tourists who have failed in their search of a system, end of indulging in these islands in black sex for money again. There can be no freedom project to end human slavery and theft with the manipulation at the psychological level of economics and its money, as was well exposed by the 2015 winner of the Nobel prize of economics an American professor from the University of Chicago, to also free, reveal and exposed the dynamics of perverse marketing, stealing at the point of sale and of course all the violence created by laundering of clothes and money.
As Venezuela essayist and poet Carlos Augusto Leon, essayist, poet and founder of the school of Art at the Central University of Venezuela, I quote him, ¨some day people will throw money off a cliff forever...¨ Poetry through journalism has yet to be revealed and freed.
AUGUST 21, 2021-5-47 a.m.
http://www.petroleumworld.com/about.htm editor Dr, Elio Ohep, MBA Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management with Philip Kotler american marketing guru.

Poema escrito en inglés cuando tenía 18 años en Estados Unidos, publicado en dos idiomas en cuatro continentes, Irlanda, México, Venezuela -Suplemento cultural de Últimas Noticias, premio nacional de periodismo cultural, premio presidencial de cultura, Dr. Rafael Caldera, premio Monseñor Pellìn de periodismo y cultura, el suplemento sigue siendo el órgano cultural más importante de Venezuela reconocido en estados unidos y europa y U.S.A. describe desde 1985 la respiración sociològica del sistema capitalista norteamericano en imágenes antes de la internet. Ya he publicado en más de 100 revistas digitales internacionales en Irlanda, u.s.a., méxico, nigeria, argentina, venezuela y jamaica, miembro del diccionario de escritores de Argentina y de la sociedad de autores de méxico y argentina.


Money is the cause that permits and elegantly saturates in front of your nose, the limiting of ideas, concepts and even those same resources, whether natural or man made, to be revealed or released. When someone is not convenient in the capitalist or communist societies they are labelled as paranoid, or harbingers of conspiracies or mentally ill, or of having some kind of psychological complex, inferior or superior, -in capitalism you may entitled as being a communist, and, in the communist world you may be accused of being a counter revolutionary or capitalist reactionary. With these types of narratives the world elite and the world population itself in a grand Robert Malthus effect and decrease of population through virus,has controlled the world since the founding of the so called free world, even in the fake totalitarian yes ¨free-world¨ as they thrive to label themselves, from Fidel Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Churchill, Reagan, Kennedy and now those in the lottery bin of politics nothing has been achieved to secure the basic human rights of world populations, with the complicit intervention of paid-for main stream media in countries, yes, like Cuba, the U.S., Europe, Russia and Asia. I use as an example this country where I was born Venezuela, which harbors the biggest reserves of the best quality oil for refinement and its derivatives, coltan or cobalt as cnn calls it is not in the Republic of Congo the largest reserves are in Venezuela south of its Lake of Maracaibo, plutonium and uranium, coltan its ability to create Micro-condensers to miniaturize elements in apple technology from phones, laptops, computers, play-stations, all chips DIGITAL MAGIC in jet fighters sorcering from aircraft carriers and space defense, or nuclear weapons to negotiate geopolitics in the U.S. and Russia and the UK, indeed-15 out 17 of the most important minerals in the world in surplus in Venezuela, emeralds, white diamonds, red blood diamonds, blue diamonds and white diamonds or cocoa seed of purple color for violet chocolate the best chocolate in the world is hundreds of variety, aroma and flavor in Venezuela, limited by Richard Quest of cnn saying the best chocolate or cobalt coltan is in the Congo -complicit with scientists of Harvard University.
Nickel, Aluminum bauxite, copper, steel, iron, iron ore, and a mega diverse with the best tourist natural scenery in the world as was described by American Cuban millionaire Jeff Bezos as he view Venezuela and its geography from outer space.
The Miami Herald published almost ten years ago that the most productive and best trained professionals in the U.S. are from Venezuela present in the NASA, medicine, arts, etc. Venezuela as an example of world trade when Ukraine was traded for Venezuela and the latter sold to cuba as a meek franchise of rum, mojito and dollarization.
This whole miasma also present in other rich countries some developed and others imploded on purpose are limited by the interpersonal dynamics of money and its grid of concrete head-ache and social migraine, its greed of religion and love versus hate among beings for centuries, not able to be revealed, exposed or freed, only to the capitalization of the scrooge elite which gives you some free time during Christmas or spring break.
The enemy is the dualism of thought vs. being in the history of philosophy western or oriental, or in spanish pensar-ser, between capitalism and communism as we have stupidly known it, debugged from textbooks and college lectures, info promoted by cable news channels from cnn to fox, from the BBC to Reuters, social media, etc. in a spectacular romance and ballet of blatant brain washing from bilingual rap music and lyrics to the bible.
The false advent of Americans going to Cuba as well as Europeans with a mentality of ideal in search of mixed economies, democratic management and fake equality, is impossible with the continued presence of money, most of these tourists who have failed in their search of a system, end of indulging in these islands in black sex for money again. There can be no freedom project to end human slavery and theft with the manipulation at the psychological level of economics and its money, as was well exposed by the 2015 winner of the Nobel prize of economics an American professor from the University of Chicago, to also free, reveal and exposed the dynamics of perverse marketing, stealing at the point of sale and of course all the violence created by laundering of clothes and money.
As Venezuela essayist and poet Carlos Augusto Leon, essayist, poet and founder of the school of Art at the Central University of Venezuela, I quote him, ¨some day people will throw money off a cliff forever...¨ Poetry through journalism has yet be revealed and freed.
AUGUST 21, 2021-5-47 a.m.

1 comment:

alergiascaracasreader.blogspot.com said...

Excellent, piece of writing, my son!

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