
Friday, December 18, 2020


 -Over the Evening Dead (A Summer Poem)-

Long live the love of Susan

in the aftermath of Eternity.

(Wheels cajole time in immediate semblances.)


The thunderous black luster

the coffin in the living room

drew no attention.


Resonant values starred,

over the dead.


Music played lately

each song like a personal anthem,

a translucent dictate shared by the masses.


And, the innards outgrew their rythym

because they had never ceased.


The tepid air corrupted hands and leaves.

The apple lay sudden among the grass

and the little boys dabbled their toes

in the pond's local immensity.


Candlelight sparked heavily

over the dead.


I mentioned Susan because

she was someone I knew

like you know so many things

and forget them,

I did not know that I loved her.


Books are really boxes for words,

you burned those you like best.

And the smoke cast a spell

of innocuous humor,

that you have yet to learn

how to smile at, in the afternoon.


Later as is

the image perished like doves

over the dead...


Bird-dog runs ruthless

In the forest thrive,

The insects follow as another

As eloquent entities;

The sky’s palate

Resolves its own meticulous liberty.


Susan walks because-way home

Counting the flowers of her philosophy,

Enduring the pebbles that mock

Her feet in intimate pain.


Has history for her

Ended as a swimming dream?


Is a number her folly?


Many have died this way

Wondering away-

Like laughter in the afternoon parade.


Silent old

Meek young

Dutiful beings celebrating one

The birth date of Jesus as their own,

Walking the sidewalks

Of a tormented city


Awestruck, flung

Flung towards the drift of sea

As rain,

As an ocean of stares

And recognizes the last flower

At the foot of the broken tombstone.


(Swelters of trepidation at sundown…)


A young tie-dye girl signals an omen

As the propensity of our making.


A flag is a nation’s fingerprint

Waving mysteriously opposite the tides

Just as so we settle wane by rivers

To make believe sandcastles and abandoned shells

Sunlit by our wishes.


The titillating attention

Of barnacles in the fathomed soul of the sea

Is one portrait of our nature’s multiplicity.

A creamy willow holds sane lightly

Over the dead…


In case of fire

Children will tell you.


Carry on wayward son-

I have not mentioned your name,

I smile at the breathless pause

Before your answers,

I can not stare at world through a mirror,

I do not judge the truth of an opinion;

I lay still and I wait.


The road awakes

Skylight free the advance

Is a trilogy of hope

A metaphor of the past


(I refused the imago once again)


The illuvial horizon

Insane pervades like a morning song

In all the fables,

And the townships pass by



The young will wave their flags

At the parade, flirting hair

Dubious in the breeze,

Little dog in the loom of gaze.


(How did Sebastian die, when played by Montgomery Clift in the movie Suddenly One Summer?)


Once again Susan does not have an answer for me,

She pets my forehead as if

Easing the pain of entire world.


Who is the man holding the flashlight

In the alley?


What is the real order of words

As they ordain silence,

When Love is no longer enough?


A kiss is not a word,

The flashlight man is a quantum incognito

Susan is not mute.


And if you stare long enough

You will see that it was all

Always there, like that pretty word

You always looked in the letters.


“I do not compute…”, said the Machine.

So he broke it.


Are we to go on like this,

Desperado in the limelight of reason,

Fearing science as a spiritual atom

That coagulates within us?


That is why we have sunrises

And stars, to have something to say

To our neighbors in the morning…


And after all is said and done

Many recognize their image with another

As they meet in the boardwalk,

And others leer at them illustrating

Their own tattooed as a petal in the flower.


And, they go on like this, immense

And sometimes a mighty one emerges

From the imagines and thinks he’s got it.


He realizes he is cold once again in the breeze, /and…

Plunges into a cornucopia of ideas

And disappears in his own accord.


Susan picks up the petal

And destroys the flower,

Now the petals are two,

Faking innocence and desire together

They meddle the artifice of red.



The wisterias mingle coiled and smiling

from soiled portico columns

Over the dead…


I have not mentioned the blues

Because they have been overused.


What is this love/hate relationship

You have with jazz?


Improvisation comes too near insanity

And we exits between the two.


But that’s okay, If you mess up

I will correct you.


For example, thank you, isn’t that wild?


Be careful, someone is watching us

From the crowd, those two eyes,

As we write on the walls… over the dead…


In the beginning there was peanut butter

Then jelly, then conformity.


“What’s wrong, don’t you like to rejoice

In peripatetic contemplation?”


“No! I want answers from this dictionary.”






As the young play suicide chess

Upon the veranda beside the portico columns,

Sipping warm Coca-Cola

And smoking rolled cigarettes.


The smoke looms stoic - our love is our dead community.

Over the dead.


To immediately restores the star’s multiplication


Such is the closed End Game,

Where city gladiators obey stoplights

And car races on-line…

The last eclipse perils as a tear.


We are the last caste of primeval castaways

Surrendered and meek

The overcoming innovators of this Land.


Shrilled ballooning sails to the Left…

Leftist, come to me ample and free,

Right winged elves, afraid and the rest of the world.


Long live the love of Susan

in the aftermath of Eternity.


(Wheels cajole time in immediate semblances.)


The thunderous black luster

the coffin in the living room

drew no attention.


Resonant values starred,

over the dead.


Music played lately

each song like a personal anthem,

a translucent dictate shared by the masses.


And, the innards outgrew their rythym

because they had never ceased.


The tepid air corrupted hands and leaves.

The apple lay sudden among the grass

and the little boys dabbled their toes

in the pond's local immensity.


Candlelight sparked heavily

over the dead.


I mentioned Susan because

she was someone I knew

like you know so many things

and forget them,

I did not know that I loved her.


Books are really boxes for words,

you burned those you like best.

And the smoke cast a spell

of innocuous humor,

that you have yet to learn

how to smile at, in the afternoon.


Later as is

the image perished like doves

over the dead...


Birddog runs ruthless

In the forest thrive,

The insects follow as another

As eloquent entities;

The sky’s pallate

Resolves its own meticulous liberty.


Susan walks becauseway home

Counting the flowers of her philosophy,

Enduring the pebbles that mock

Her feet in intimate pain.


Has history for her

Ended as a swimming dream?


Is a number her folly?


Many have died this way

Wondering away-

Like laughters in the afternoon’s parade.


Silent old

Meek young

Dutiful beings celebrating one

The birth date of Jesus as their own,

Walking the sidewalks

Of a tormented city


Awestruck, flung

Flung towards the drift of sea

As rain,

As an ocean of stares

And recognizes the last flower

At the foot of the broken tombstone.



(Swelters of trepidation at sundown…)


A young tie-dye girl signals an omen

As the propensity of our making.


A flag is a nation’s fingerprint

Waving mysteriously opposite the tides

Just as so we settle wane by rivers

To make believe sandcastles and abandoned shells

Sunlit by our wishes.


The titillating attention

Of barnacles in the fathomed soul of the sea

Is one portrait of our nature’s multiplicity.

A creamy willow holds sane lightly

Over the dead…


In case of fire

Children will tell you.


Carry on-

I have not mentioned your name,

I smile at the breathless pause

Before your answers,

I can not stare at world through a mirror,

I do not judge the truth of an opinion;

I lay still and I wait.


The road awakes

Skylight free the advance

Is a trilogy of hope

A metaphor of the past


(I refused the imago once again)


The illuvial horizon

Insane pervades like a morning song

In all the fables,

And the townships pass by



The young will wave their flags

At the parade, flirting hair

Dubious in the breeze,

Little dog in the loom of gaze.


(How did Sebastian die, when played by Montgomery Clift?)


Once again Susan does not have an answer for me,

She pets my forehead as if

Easing the pain of entire world.


Who is the man holding the flashlight

In the alley?


What is the real order of words

As they ordain silence,

When Love is no longer enough?


A kiss is not a word,

The flashligh man is a quantum incognito

Susan is not mute.


And if you stare long enough

You will see that it was all

Always there, like that pretty word

You always looked in the letters.


“I do not compute…”, said the Machine.

So he broke it.


Are we to go on like this,

Desperados in the limelight of reason,

Fearing science as a spiritual atom

That coagulates within us?


That is why we have sunrises

And stars, to have something to say

To our neighbors in the morning…


And after all is said and done

Many recognize their image with another

As they meet in the boardwalk,

And others leer at them illustrating

Their own tattooed as a petal in the flower.


And, they go on like this, immense

And sometimes a mighty one emerges

From the imagines and thinks he’s got it.


He realizes he is cold once again in the breeze, /and…

Plunges into a cornucopia of ideas

And disappears in his own accord.


Susan picks up the petal

And destroys the flower,

Now the petals are two,

Faking innocence and desire together

They meddle the artifice of red.



The wisterias mingle-

Over the dead…


I have not mentioned the blues

Because they have been overused.


What is this love/hate relationship

You have with jazz?


Improvisation comes too near insanity

And we exits between the two.


But that’s okay, If you mess up

I will correct you.


For example, thank you, isn’t that wild?


Be careful, someone is watching us

From the crowd, those two eyes,

As we write on the walls… over the dead…


In the beginning there was peanut butter

Then jelly, then conformity.


“What’s wrong, don’t you like to rejoice

In peripatetic contemplation?”


“No! I want answers from this dictionary.”







As the young play suicide chess

Upon the veranda beside the portico columns,

Sipping warm Coca-Cola

And smoking rolled cigarettes.


The smoke looms stoic - our love is our dead community.

Over the dead.


To immediately restores the star’s multiplication


Such is the closed End Game,

Where city gladiators obey stoplights

And car races on-line…

The last eclipse perils as a tear.


We are the last caste of primeval castaways

Surrendered and meek

The overcoming innovators of this Land.


Shrilled ballooning sails to the Left…

Leftist, come to me ample and free,

Right winged elves, afraid and the rest of the world.






1 comment:

alergiascaracasreader.blogspot.com said...

Stunning poem, written by my elder son Carlos E Mijares Poyer

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