
Friday, December 18, 2020

The Present Sublime. Poem by Carlos Mijares Poyer / El presente sublime. Poema por Carlos Mijares Poyer

 (c)copyright december 1, 2016,  by Carlos Mijares Poyer. Caracas, Venezuela. 4:55pm


So many unsung stereotypes

as many as keys on a typewriter,

now the keyboard and chess piece of life

like no other

the smile of my mother

my father's eyes

and the tarot cards, the mysteries of my sister's 


loud a siren's bell, the fire in the inner ear

like falling rosary beads in a white wet sink

forever speechless.

I reckon to applaud this slow sense of self

as common as the clown's conversation

behind the red suede curtains

now on fire... now on fire...

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